ISO TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Committee site

ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT)

Term ID



Stokes parameters

set of four real quantities, which completely describe the polarization state of monochromatic or quasi-monochromatic radiation

Note 1 to entry: The parameters are, collectively, known as the Stokes Real {ordered}, a 4 × 1 Real {ordered}.

Note 2 to entry: The Stokes parameters were introduced as a mathematically convenient alternative by Sir George Stokes.[14,17] These four parameters are related to the horizontally and vertically polarized components of electric field by: [ I Q U V ] = 1 η [ | E v | 2 + | E h | 2 | E v | 2 | E h | 2 2 Re E v E h 2 Im E v E h ] where E v is the vertically polarized component of electric field; E h is the horizontally polarized component of electric field. The units of the Stokes parameters are W / m 2 . The first Stokes parameter ( I ) gives the total radiation power density, and the second Stokes parameter ( Q ) represents the power density difference between the two linearly polarized components. The third and fourth Stokes parameters ( U and V ) describe the correlation between these two components.

Note 3 to entry: For microwave remote sensing, modified Stokes parameters are often used. Under the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation, the modified Stokes parameters in brightness temperature are given by the following formula:[19], [37] [ T v T h T 3 T 4 ] = λ 2 k η B [ | E v | 2 | E h | 2 2 Re E v E h 2 Im E v E h ] where T v , T h , T 3 and T 4 are, respectively, the vertically and horizontally polarized and the third and fourth Stokes parameters, and B is the radiometer system bandwidth.

[SOURCE: ISO 12005:2003, 3.11, modified - Original notes to entry have been removed and replaced.]








  • status: valid
  • classification: preferred
  • date accepted: 2022-11-24


last review performed:
decision event:
Normal ISO processing