ISO TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Committee site

ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT)

All Concepts

The concepts below are sorted by term name, alphabetically, in a case-insensitive way.

Term ID Term
815 a posteriori classification
816 a priori classification
2 abbreviation
1928 absolute accuracy
2528 abstract
2028 abstract root
2471 abstract test case
3 abstract test case
4 abstract test method
5 abstract test module
2475 abstract test suite
6 abstract test suite
7 acceptance testing
1206 access control
1618 access point
2264 access rights information
2203 access software
1488 accessibility
1489 accessibility information
1014 accuracy
8 accuracy
1603 accuracy of measurement
656 active object
2258 active sensing system
985 active sensing system
1378 active sensor
1379 active sonar
9 actor
1698 address
1701 address alias
2702 address assignment method
1655 address class
1553 address component
2703 address data management system
1629 address position
1656 address reference system
2130 address rendition
1699 addressable object
2112 addressee
1702 addressing
2704 addressing infrastructure
2705 addressing stakeholder
922 adjustable model parameters
1286 administrative source
10 admitted term
598 affine coordinate system
1207 agency
1208 agent
11 aggregation
2265 AIP edition
2266 AIP version
986 along-track
12 altitude
733 altitude
1637 ambient intelligence
2447 analysis ready data
2835 analytical coverage
2491 ancillary data
13 annotation
1580 annotation
1581 annotation property
2675 antenna beam width
2585 antenna main-beam efficiency
2894 antenna output temperature
2187 antenna pattern
2677 antenna radiation efficiency
2678 antenna sidelobe
2895 antenna temperature
925 aperture reference point
14 application
1652 application ontology
15 application schema
2029 arc
2206 archival information package
1380 area recording
1144 association
17 association
2294 associative concept system
873 associative concept system
2295 associative relation
18 attitude
19 attribute
20 attribute
532 attribute
1169 attribute event
2631 attribute event
1170 attributed feature
1210 authentication
1211 authorization
2492 auxiliary data
2948 axis
927 azimuth resolution
2346 backscattering coefficient
24 bag
846 band
1930 bare earth elevation
2455 barycentric coordinates
717 base representation
26 base standard
1570 basic administrative unit
658 basic service
27 basic test
928 beam width
1658 bearing
2238 bearing
28 behaviour
2735 bias
2032 bicontinuous
2110 binding
2591 blackbody load
2896 blackbody radiance
1604 blooming
1931 boresight
29 boundary
1359 boundary face
1289 boundary face string
1932 breakline
2897 brightness temperature
2682 brightness temperature sensitivity
874 broader concept
988 broadside
2149 buffer
30 buffer
1290 building unit
1212 bypass
31 calendar
32 calendar era
930 calibrated focal length
847 calibration
2347 calibration coefficient
1448 calibration curve
2883 calibration equation
2884 calibration parameters
1605 calibration validation
34 candidate route
1679 capability
35 capability test
36 cardinality
1659 Cartesian coordinate system
2349 Cartesian coordinate system
37 Cartesian coordinate system
1291 catalogue
2837 cell
2649 cell
2552 cell refinement
1213 chain of agency
1214 chain of licence
39 character
875 characteristic
1933 check point
1934 checkpoint
2650 child
1630 child address
1631 child addressable object
2553 child cell
692 child element
41 circular sequence
1647 citation
506 clarification
1582 class
43 class
848 classification
810 classification system
849 classified object
850 classifier
1611 classifier
44 classifier
45 client
2150 closure
46 closure
47 cluster
2249 co-domain
2738 co-location
2683 co-polarization
48 coboundary
49 code
50 codelist
51 codespace
2501 collection
52 complex feature
1383 complex image
1512 complex symbol
2119 component
1145 component
724 component
55 composite curve
56 composite solid
57 composite surface
1146 composition
725 composition
702 compound coordinate reference system
2651 compound CRS
851 compound registry
1513 compound symbol
1159 compression
1160 compression service
61 computational geometry
62 computational topology
1309 computational viewpoint
63 computational viewpoint
600 concatenated operation
64 concept
1624 concept field
907 concept harmonization
66 concept system
67 conceptual formalism
68 conceptual model
69 conceptual schema
70 conceptual schema language
1263 conditional feature portrayal function
2151 conformal, adj.
2614 conformance
71 conformance
72 conformance assessment process
2533 conformance class
2732 conformance clause
73 conformance clause
1366 conformance quality level
74 conformance quality level
2472 conformance test case
2534 conformance test class
2535 conformance test report
75 conformance test report
2479 conformance test result
76 conformance testing
77 conforming implementation
2529 conformity
2733 conformity clause
2152 connected
78 connected
79 connected node
734 constraint
1147 constraint
81 constraint
2121 construct
2267 content information
82 content model
1595 context
1638 context-awareness
659 continuous change
2838 continuous coverage
83 continuous coverage
1215 contract
84 control body
2154 control point
1161 conversion
85 conversion rule
1162 conversion service
1293 converter
2239 convex
86 convex hull
87 convex set
2038 coordinate
88 coordinate
2350 coordinate conversion
762 coordinate conversion
90 coordinate dimension
2039 coordinate dimension
2388 coordinate epoch
2352 coordinate operation
91 coordinate operation
703 coordinate reference system
2353 coordinate set
729 coordinate set
93 coordinate system
2354 coordinate transformation
763 coordinate transformation
2355 coordinate tuple
735 coordinate tuple
96 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
1216 copyleft
1449 correction
736 correctness
932 Correspondence Model
2898 cosmic microwave background
97 cost function
660 coupling
2573 coverage
2949 coverage
99 coverage
2840 coverage coordinate reference system
2841 coverage CRS
2842 coverage dimension
100 coverage geometry
2843 coverage geometry
2685 cross-calibration
2259 cross-map entry
2260 cross-map register
1279 cross-mapping
2389 cross-mapping
2686 cross-polarization
2190 cross-talk
933 cross-track
2041 curvature vector
101 curve
102 curve segment
1330 customer
2042 cycle
103 cycle
2356 cylindrical coordinate system
603 cylindrical coordinate system
1450 dark current
1451 dark current noise
1452 dark signal non uniformity
104 data
2623 data capture
1686 data category
916 data compaction
1118 data compression
2208 data dictionary
2268 data dissemination session
105 data element
107 data interchange
108 data level
2155 data point
110 data product
2624 data product
111 data product specification
2615 data product specification
1583 data property
2818 data quality
632 data quality basic measure
112 data quality date
113 data quality element
114 data quality evaluation procedure
115 data quality measure
2617 data quality measure
116 data quality overview element
117 data quality result
118 data quality scope
119 data quality subelement
2618 data quality unit
120 data quality value type
121 data quality value unit
2269 data submission session
122 data transfer
123 data type
124 dataset
2521 dataset
125 dataset series
1356 dataset series
1584 datatype
2376 datum
704 datum
2358 datum ensemble
127 day
128 definition
129 Delaunay triangulation
876 delimiting characteristic
1950 delivery
2113 delivery address
2114 delivery point
1148 dependency
130 dependency
131 deprecated term
1384 depression angle
2401 depth
605 depth
2402 derived coordinate reference system
2740 derived product
754 design coordinate reference system
2270 designated community
908 designation
909 designator
1119 detector
2885 detector
1514 deviation
2156 diameter
1559 Differential Global Navigational Satellite System
789 digital elevation model
661 digital item
1217 digital licence
2271 digital migration
790 digital number
2213 digital object
1218 digital rights management
1935 digital surface model
1936 digital terrain model
133 Dijkstra graph
134 direct evaluation method
2160 direct geodetic problem
135 direct position
2844 direct position
136 directed edge
137 directed face
138 directed node
139 directed solid
140 directed topological object
662 discrete change
141 discrete coverage
2845 discrete coverage
2554 discrete global grid
2555 discrete global grid system
663 discrete spatiotemporal object
2214 dissemination information package
2046 distance
664 distance measure
665 distance metric
2522 distribution
143 distribution transparency
1377 document
144 domain
2846 domain
879 domain
1687 domain
2341 domain
2123 domain
880 domain concept
1063 domain feature
990 Doppler angle
991 Doppler shift
1386 draught
2556 duration
1164 dynamic conversion
2403 dynamic coordinate reference system
2652 dynamic CRS
2412 dynamic datum
2304 dynamic reference frame
1430 e-government
145 easting
146 edge
147 edge-node graph
2687 effective blackbody brightness temperature
2125 element
148 element
149 ellipsoid
2382 ellipsoid
2404 ellipsoid
502 ellipsoidal coordinate system
150 ellipsoidal height
2406 ellipsoidal height
503 ellipsoidal latitude
504 ellipsoidal longitude
2706 emergency management
2688 emissivity
2158 empty set
151 encoding
152 encoding rule
153 encoding service
154 end node
2049 end node
155 end point
2899 end-to-end calibration
706 engineering coordinate reference system
156 engineering datum
157 engineering viewpoint
158 enterprise viewpoint
1948 entity
2366 epoch
1455 error
738 error
2050 error budget
1456 error of measurement
1278 error propagation
881 essential characteristic
2742 evaluation
159 evaluation
160 event
2889 ex situ
1441 ex-situ
161 executable test case
2539 executable test case
2540 executable test module
162 executable test suite
2541 executable test suite
1219 expected risk
2601 experimental standard deviation
2051 exponential map
910 extension
163 exterior
2449 external accuracy
2690 external calibration
1121 external coordinate reference system
164 external function
165 face
1515 facility
166 fail verdict
1220 fair use
167 falsification test
168 feature
1612 feature
169 feature association
852 feature association concept
170 feature attribute
2629 feature attribute concept
853 feature attribute concept
854 feature catalogue
2500 feature collection
2647 feature concept
855 feature concept
2648 feature concept dictionary
856 feature concept dictionary
174 feature division
1171 feature event
175 feature fusion
1018 feature identifier
914 feature inheritance
1431 feature instance
177 feature operation
2630 feature operation concept
857 feature operation concept
1264 feature portrayal function
178 feature portrayal rule set
774 feature reference
915 feature relationship
180 feature substitution
181 feature succession
182 feature table
1296 feature type
2715 feature-of-interest
2215 federated archives
937 fiducial centre
994 fiducial mark
1560 field of regard
1388 field of view
186 file
2886 filter
1019 filter capabilities XML
1020 filter expression
1021 filter expression processor
2159 first geodetic problem
1389 first return
187 flattening
2108 flattening
642 foliation
2161 footprint
1165 format
2367 frame reference epoch
939 frame sensor
1390 frame
1547 framework
188 framework
2383 free function
1762 free text
189 full inspection
190 function
2337 function
191 functional language
192 functional standard
1923 fused image
193 gazetteer
2344 gazetteer
1391 geiger mode
882 general concept
1221 general public licence
1613 generalization
726 generalization
883 generic concept
2261 generic concept system
884 generic concept system
885 generic relation
886 genus-species relation
2308 geocentric latitude
2397 geocentric terrestrial reference system
195 geocoding
2055 geodesic
2162 geodesic circle
2093 geodesic curvature vector
2056 geodesic line
2368 geodetic coordinate reference system
2861 geodetic coordinate reference system
707 geodetic coordinate reference system
196 geodetic coordinate system
2653 geodetic CRS
1918 geodetic datum
708 geodetic datum
199 geodetic height
2407 geodetic height
200 geodetic latitude
201 geodetic longitude
2408 geodetic reference frame
1222 GeoDRM enabled
1223 GeoDRM extended (applied to resources)
1596 geographic context awareness
2369 geographic coordinate reference system
1675 geographic coordinates
2654 geographic CRS
202 geographic data
203 geographic feature
204 geographic identifier
792 geographic imagery
793 geographic imagery scene
205 geographic information
206 geographic information service
207 geographic information system
1166 geographic point location
1167 geographic point location representation
2370 geoid
764 geoid
1224 GeoLicence
1226 GeoLicence infringement
1225 GeoLicence resolution
995 geolocating
942 geolocation information
210 geometric aggregate
2060 geometric boundary
211 geometric boundary
212 geometric complex
213 geometric dimension
2163 geometric dimension
214 geometric object
215 geometric primitive
2164 geometric primitive
216 geometric realization
2384 geometric realization
2241 geometric reference surface
217 geometric set
2166 geometric set
219 geometry property
757 geometry value object
758 geometry value pair
2467 geopositioning
996 geopositioning
982 georectified
2111 georeferenceable
944 georeferencing
2847 georeferencing
1122 gimbal
2655 globe
2469 GML application schema
906 GML application schema
824 GML document
825 GML profile
2470 GML schema
826 GML schema
2707 good practice
2820 governance framework
2493 granule
756 graph
755 graphical language
218 gravity-related height
2371 gravity-related height
945 grazing angle
2236 greatest lower bound
220 Gregorian calendar
221 grid
2848 grid
1376 grid coordinate reference system
2950 grid coordinate reference system
1069 grid coordinate system
222 grid coordinates
2850 grid coordinates
2851 grid coverage
2951 grid CRS
223 grid point
2852 grid point
224 gridded data
983 ground control point
947 ground range
999 ground reference point
1000 ground sampling distance
1571 group party
1123 gyroscope
2691 half-power bandwidth
2893 half-power beam width
2892 half-power full width
1393 heave
2409 height
614 height
859 hierarchical register
2558 hierarchy
1688 homograph
228 homomorphism
2168 homomorphism
887 homonymy
1689 homophone
1938 horizontal accuracy
1394 hydrographic swath
1392 hydrophone
1022 identification convention
801 identifier
667 identity
551 image
2853 image coordinate reference system
709 image coordinate reference system
1395 image coordinates
2854 image CRS
710 image datum
1002 image distortion
951 image formation
953 image plane
232 image point
952 image-identifiable ground control point
860 imagery
235 implementation
236 Implementation Conformance Statement
2481 implementation conformance statement
2293 implementation coverage
237 Implementation eXtra Information for Testing
2542 implementation under test
1003 impulse response
2890 in situ
1458 in situ measurement
954 incident angle
238 inconclusive verdict
2734 inconclusive verdict
2855 index coordinate reference system
2856 index CRS
239 indirect evaluation method
1585 individual
240 inertial positioning system
241 information
2272 information package
1344 information system
242 information viewpoint
1227 infringement (of a licence)
1228 infringement (of a right)
1614 inheritance
243 inheritance
2435 initial discrete global grid
2065 inner product
244 instance
1615 instance
727 instance
246 instance model
247 instant
2559 instant
1396 instantaneous field of view
248 instantiate
250 integrated positioning system
2285 integrated side lobe ratio
668 integration
888 intension
1397 intensity
251 interface
1616 interface
252 interface
2284 interferometric baseline
2193 interferometric synthetic aperture radar
254 interior
2144 internal accuracy
1004 internal coordinate reference system
255 interoperability
669 interoperate
2560 interval
256 interval scale
1636 invalidation
257 inverse evaluation
2178 inverse geodetic problem
1460 irradiance
258 isolated node
2169 isometry
2066 isomorphic
259 isomorphism
1298 item
260 item
261 item class
1299 join predicate
1333 join tuple
1229 joint ownership
1492 journey
1493 journey segment
263 Julian date
264 Julian day number
265 junction
1461 keystone effect
1548 knowledge
558 knowledge base
1360 land
1300 land administration
819 land cover
1301 land cover metalanguage
1028 land use
911 language
266 language identifier
1399 last return
267 layer
955 layover
643 leaf
1230 lease
2071 least upper bound
813 legend
861 legend class
1231 lend
1572 level
1940 lever arm
268 lexical language
1232 licence
1233 licence extents
1234 licence manager
670 license
1235 licensee
1236 licensing agent
1237 licensor
1676 lidar
269 life span
1400 light detection and ranging
1302 liminal spatial unit
270 line string
1649 lineage
617 linear coordinate system
1073 linear element
2494 linear element
1401 linear mode
271 linear positioning system
272 linear reference system
1172 linear referencing
1365 Linear Referencing Method
1079 Linear Referencing System
273 linear referencing system
1173 linear segment
2605 linearity
1081 linearly located
1174 linearly located event
2495 linearly located feature
2496 linearly locating feature
1175 linearly referenced location
274 link
275 link position
1653 linked geodata
1644 literal
1029 literal value
501 local datum
1334 local resource
1703 locale
507 locale
1587 localName
1176 located feature
1177 locating feature
2345 location
276 location
278 location based service
279 location dependent service
1335 locator attribute
2273 long term
2219 long term preservation
1402 look angle
2100 looks
672 loosely coupled interface
2084 loxodrome
1955 mail recipient
2116 mailee
1958 mailer
2900 main beam
2901 main lobe
280 main-road rule
2220 management
281 maneuver,manœuvre
282 map
618 map projection
918 matrix
2070 maximum
1562 mean sea level
284 mean sea level
862 measurable quantity
559 measurand
2386 measure
286 measure
560 measurement
1607 measurement accuracy
1463 measurement error
1465 measurement precision
2819 measurement uncertainty
287 medium
711 meridian
2580 mesh
1650 metadata
289 metadata
290 metadata element
291 metadata entity
292 metadata schema
293 metadata section
1153 metamodel
294 metamodel
1303 metaquality
295 method
2385 metric operation
794 metric traceability
2387 metric unit
1468 metrological traceability chain
2072 minimum
2445 mission
299 model
2543 modular
2544 modular specification
2545 modular standard
1678 module
889 monosemy
2170 monotonic
300 month
301 motion
1563 multibeam SONAR
1564 multiple returns
304 multiplicity
1336 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type
2171 n-disc
2075 n-simplex
2172 n-sphere
1942 nadir
838 namespace
1588 namespace
1589 namespace
305 namespace
890 narrower concept
306 navigation
740 navigation constraint
1240 necessary
2242 neighborhood
307 neighbourhood
308 network
309 node
1470 noise
863 nominal value
310 non-conformance
1690 non-verbal representation
2244 normal
2243 normal curvature vector
2078 normal section curve
311 northing
312 object
313 object
518 object point
1590 object property
519 objective
693 observable type
1442 observation
2716 observation
1305 observation procedure
1306 observation protocol
1308 observation result
2717 observer
315 obsolete term
2714 off-site
2891 on-site
644 one parameter set of geometries
1346 ontology
2274 open archival information system
2245 open set
316 open systems environment
317 operating conditions
2262 operating vocabulary
318 operation
1617 operation
319 operation
320 optical positioning system
321 ordinal era
322 ordinal scale
323 ordinal temporal reference system
795 orthoimage
1241 owner
325 package
2222 package description
2275 packaging information
2372 parameter reference epoch
1322 parameterized feature portrayal function
1323 parameterized symbol
842 parametric coordinate reference system
841 parametric coordinate system
843 parametric datum
2656 parent
1557 parent address
1558 parent addressable object
2561 parent cell
892 part-whole relation
2246 partition of unity
891 partitive relation
1242 party
1959 party
1310 party member
864 pass
326 pass verdict
677 passive object
1005 passive sensor
1405 passive SONAR
678 passive tracking
2153 path connected
1243 payment provider
2286 peak side lobe ratio
2607 perfect blackbody
328 performance indicator
329 performance testing
330 period
2562 period
2563 period identifier
331 periodic time
1244 persistent protection mechanism
958 perspective centre
1406 phase history data
333 physical quantity
960 Physical Sensor Model
1440 physiognomy
865 picture original
866 picture portrayal
619 pixel
1471 pixel response non-uniformity
1280 place
1337 Place Identifier
1920 Place Identifier (PI) link
1921 Place Identifier (PI) linking mechanism
1338 Place Identifier application
1339 Place Identifier matching
1340 Place Identifier platform
335 planar topological complex
2247 plane curve
2174 plane curve segment
831 platform
1006 platform coordinate reference system
1407 platform down direction
336 point
1408 point cloud
337 point coverage
2373 point motion operation
2747 point source
1472 point-spread function
2374 polar coordinate system
620 polar coordinate system
2196 polarimetric synthetic aperture radar
832 polarization
2348 polarization channel imbalance
867 policy
695 polygon
340 polygon coverage
2952 polymorphism
840 polymorphism
893 polysemy
341 population
2626 portrayal
342 portrayal
1324 portrayal catalogue
343 portrayal catalogue
1325 portrayal context
1269 portrayal function
1326 portrayal function set
1327 portrayal rule
344 portrayal rule
345 portrayal service
346 portrayal specification
347 position
348 positional accuracy
2451 positional reliability
2452 positioning process
349 positioning system
2887 post-launch calibration
2117 postal address
2118 postal address component
2120 postal address construct
2122 postal address domain
2124 postal address element
2126 postal address element code
2129 postal address rendering
2131 postal address segment
2127 postal address sub-element
2133 postal address template
2135 postal address type
2136 postal item
2137 postal operator
2296 pragmatic relation
2749 pre-launch calibration
1685 precision
350 precision
807 predicate
808 predicate expression
351 preferred term
2224 preservation description information
352 prime meridian
1245 principal
1007 principal point of autocollimation
521 principal point of best symmetry
535 principal register
645 prism
2713 probing function
2718 procedure
1331 process
2719 process
2276 producer
1097 product
2446 product level
355 product specification
356 profile
1155 profile
2317 projected coordinate reference system
765 projected coordinate reference system
1008 projection centre
809 property
534 property
2342 property
1591 property restriction
1312 property type
1246 protection
1247 provenance
1439 provenance
2277 provenance information
2720 proximate feature-of-interest
1654 public access
2710 public service
1565 pulse repetition frequency
963 pushbroom sensor
2081 Pythagorean metric
1592 qualified cardinality
1102 quality
2333 quality
359 quality
1577 quality assessment procedure
1578 quality assessment result
1371 quality assurance
1579 quality assurance level
1372 quality control
2619 quality evaluation
2621 quality evaluation report
360 quality schema
1474 quantity
2564 quantization
2200 radar cross section
868 radiance
572 radiant energy
2609 radiometer
2750 radiometric calibration
2693 radiometric resolution
2248 range
696 range
2582 range
2857 range
363 range
2343 range
1566 range
965 range bin
1009 range direction
1010 range resolution
1011 range vector
2858 raster
364 raster
1683 real world effect
839 realization
1156 realization
1567 receiver
366 record
367 rectified grid
368 reference data
2405 reference ellipsoid
1691 reference environment
2375 reference frame
2278 reference information
1692 reference language
1693 reference language subregister
1432 reference model
1475 reference standard
2263 reference vocabulary
2859 referenceable grid
369 referenceable grid
2632 referent
370 refinement
2565 refinement level
2439 refinement ratio
2229 refreshment
371 register
508 register manager
372 register owner
373 registration
375 registry
376 relationship
1944 relative accuracy
377 relative position
378 relative positional accuracy
1036 relocate
1249 remediation
1341 remote resource
379 remote sensing
1328 render
2139 rendered address
2138 rendered postal address
2140 rendering parameter
2141 rendition instruction
2230 repackaging
2751 repeatability
2279 replication
2280 representation information
380 request
1362 required relationship
2620 requirement
2485 requirements class
2489 resolution (of a coordinate)
639 resolution (of a sensor)
1412 resolution (of imagery)
904 resolution
1342 resolve
1358 resource
383 resource
679 resource (ICT)
1248 resource
384 response
1042 response model
1197 responsibility
1573 restriction
509 retirement
1413 return
2083 rhumb line
680 right
1250 right
1251 rights holder
681 rights management
1252 rights management
385 ring
1253 risk
386 robustness testing
387 route
389 route instruction
390 route traversal
391 routing
2176 row-major form
2721 sample
2722 sampler
1443 sampling feature
2399 satellite ephemeris
392 satellite positioning system
1414 scan
968 scan mode
1012 ScanSAR mode
2201 scattering matrix
640 scene
395 schema
698 schema
697 schema document
396 schema model
1640 seamless mobility
2177 second geodetic problem
397 segment
2132 segment
2089 segment
398 semantic type
1351 Semantic Web
622 semi-major axis
623 semi-minor axis
1108 sensor
720 sensor model
1013 sensor model
2468 sensor model
403 sequence
404 server
405 service
683 service broker
406 service chain
2711 service delivery
407 service interface
408 service metadata
684 service oriented architecture
409 set
1568 settlement
905 sexagesimal degree
410 shell
2657 sibling
2566 sibling cell
1416 sidescan SONAR
2185 signature
411 simple
2250 simple
412 simple feature
1670 simple register
1272 simple symbol
1417 single beam SONAR
971 slant plane
972 slant range
973 slant range direction
415 slope
1610 smile distortion
2860 solid
416 solid
1677 SONAR
1419 SONAR processing system
1569 Sound Navigation And Ranging
1574 source
1593 source document
417 source reference
685 spacestamp
418 spatial attribute
2864 spatial collection
2251 spatial dimension, adj
2252 spatial dimension, noun
2863 spatial feature collection
419 spatial object
420 spatial operator
1178 spatial position
421 spatial reference
422 spatial reference system
2694 spatial resolution
1316 spatial source
1363 spatial unit
1318 spatial unit group
2320 spatio-parametric coordinate reference system
844 spatio-parametric coordinate reference system
845 spatio-parametric-temporal coordinate reference system
2321 spatio-temporal coordinate reference system
2658 spatio-temporal CRS
2730 spatio-temporal object
2567 spatio-temporal reference
423 spatiotemporal domain
424 spatiotemporal object
2548 specification
425 specification
2628 specification scope
2487 specification target
2752 spectral irradiance
835 spectral resolution
2695 spectral response function
1608 spectral responsivity
2256 spectral width
2377 spherical coordinate system
2862 spherical coordinate system
713 spherical coordinate system
1666 spheroid
2696 spillover
974 spotlight mode
1420 squat
975 squint angle
2697 stability
2613 stage
1367 standalone quality report
2549 standard
1481 standardization
1421 stare
428 start node
2253 start node
429 start point
686 state (of an object)
1168 static conversion
2410 static coordinate reference system
2659 static CRS
2325 static datum
2324 static reference frame
1157 stereotype
432 stereotype
2698 Stokes parameters
2102 stop point
1609 stray light
1945 strip adjustment
1125 stripmap mode
433 strong substitutability
2128 sub-element
1111 sub-process
434 subcomplex
1625 subject field
1254 sublicence
1255 sublicensee
2281 submission agreement
2234 submission information package
1694 submitted language
1695 submitted language subregister
435 submitting organization
895 subordinate concept
436 subregister
1256 sufficient
894 superordinate concept
510 supersession
1576 supersession
1332 supplier
437 surface
438 surface patch
2145 swath
1422 swath
1423 sweep SONAR
1424 swipe
1273 symbol
1274 symbol component
1275 symbol definition
1276 symbol reference
1329 symbol set
896 synonymy
1124 Synthetic Aperture Radar
897 system of concepts
440 System Under Test
441 tag
1158 tagged value
442 tagged value
2091 tangent
2182 tangent plane
2181 tangent space
2095 tangent vector
2092 tangential curvature vector
687 target
898 technical dictionary
443 technical standard
444 technology viewpoint
2134 template
1114 template
445 temporal coordinate
2326 temporal coordinate reference system
446 temporal coordinate system
2327 temporal coordinate system
2660 temporal CRS
2328 temporal datum
447 temporal feature association
448 temporal feature operation
449 temporal position
450 temporal reference system
688 temporal sequence
2888 temporal stability
451 term
452 term equivalent
453 term instance classification
900 terminological data
901 terminological dictionary
902 terminological entry
1696 terminological entry identifier
455 terminological record
912 terminological record identifier
1697 terminology register
913 terminology repository
2490 terrestrial reference frame
2379 terrestrial reference system
457 tessellation
2536 test report
2537 test result
2550 test tool
458 testing laboratory
2101 thematic data
460 Thiessen polygon
689 timestamp
1427 topographic LIDAR
461 topological boundary
2096 topological boundary
462 topological complex
463 topological dimension
465 topological expression
466 topological object
467 topological primitive
2254 topological primitive
468 topological solid
1483 traceability chain
470 tracking
690 tracking device
646 trajectory
1257 transaction
471 transaction time
1425 transducer
2103 transfer
1619 transfer link
2104 transfer node
473 transfer protocol
800 transfer unit
2282 transformation
2380 transformation reference epoch
1426 transmitter
2105 transport means
2106 transport mode
1621 transport network
1510 transport service
630 transportation mode
744 traveller
474 traversable
785 traversal
475 traversal order
476 triangulated irregular network
1502 trip
2107 trip pattern
978 True Replacement Model
2699 true value
1258 trust
477 tuple
478 turn
2902 two-point calibration
728 type
2255 type coercion
2143 U-code
1642 ubiquitous geographic information
1641 ubiquitous public access
2723 ultimate feature-of-interest
699 UML application schema
919 UML template
480 uncertainty
1927 ungeoreferenced grid
481 Uniform Resource Identifier
627 unit
483 unit of measure
484 universal face
1602 universal representation
485 universal solid
486 universe of discourse
1594 unqualified cardinality
691 user
1575 utility network
487 valid time
871 validation
489 value
490 value domain
491 vector
492 vector geometry
745 vehicle
493 vehicle classification
1428 velocity vector
1486 verification
495 verification test
746 version (temporal)
1947 vertical accuracy
2330 vertical coordinate reference system
715 vertical coordinate reference system
716 vertical coordinate system
2332 vertical datum
629 vertical datum
2331 vertical reference frame
2381 vertical reference system
1487 vicarious calibration
1429 video phase history data
2701 viewing angle
497 viewpoint (on a system)
903 vocabulary
498 waypoint
1433 Web
2502 Web API
1434 Web service
1126 whiskbroom sensor
1667 white space
2454 white space
499 workflow
1435 World Wide Web
505 zero meridian
2569 zonal identifier
2568 zonal query
2661 zone