ISO TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Committee site

ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT)


The ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT) is the glossary for geographic information technology from ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics.

The online version of the MLGT served on the Geolexica platform fully reflect entries from the authoritative English terms that originate from ISO/TC 211 standards.


Current content (20230420 edition)

The current contents in the online version of the ISO/TC 211 MLGT are from the 5th release of the MLGT (20230420 edition), consisting of:

  • 1507 English language terminology entries (terms/definitions) from published ISO/TC 211 standards as of June 2020;

  • 0 translated terminology entries (full or partial) covering fourteen languages, which represents close to all of the participating countries in ISO/TC 211.

The MLGT spreadsheet and corresponding documentation can be downloaded from the ISO/TC 211 Resources page.


The MLGT is managed by the ISO/TC 211 Terminology Maintenance Group (TMG). The convenor of the TMG is Mr. Reese Plews of Japan.

The online version of ISO/TC 211 MLGT is jointly managed by the TMG and Ribose, the official ISO/TC 211 web service provider and Registration Authority of the ISO Geodetic Register.


Feedback for ISO/TC 211 MLGT can be submitted on the Feedback page.

Identified issues that are publicly visible are maintained at the TMG GitHub Issues page.

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