ISO TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Committee site

ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT)

Concept normal curvature vector <differential geometry, geodesy>

Term ID



normal curvature vector <differential geometry, geodesy>

projection of the curvature vector of the curve perpendicular to the tangent plane to the surface at the point

Note to entry: The normal curvature vector of a curve is dependent only on the curve and the surface (which is a constraint on the curve). The normal curvature vector of a curve restricted to a surface is parallel to the normal vector of the surface. If the normal curvature vector is equal to the curvature vector of the curve everywhere, then the curve is a geodesic.

[SOURCE: ISO 19107:2019, 3.70]


vector de curvatura normal <geometría diferencial, geodesia>

proyección del vector de curvatura de la curva perpendicular al plano tangente a la superficie en el punto

Nota: NOTA: El vector de curvatura normal de una curva depende sólo de la curva y de la superficie (que es una limitación de la curva). El vector de curvatura normal de una curva restringida a una superficie es paralelo al vector normal de la superficie. Si el vector de curvatura normal es igual al vector de curvatura de la curva en todas partes, entonces la curva es una geodésica.

ORIGIN: Glosario de terminos de ISO/TC211 (last updated: 2020-06-02)








  • status: valid
  • classification: preferred
  • date accepted: 2019-12-02


last review performed:
decision event:
Normal ISO processing